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BAD HOMBURG – Antoninus PiusTitus Aurelius Fulvus Boionius Arrius Antoninus, generally known in English as Antoninus Pius was Roman emperor from 138 to 161. He was the fourth of the Five Good Emperors and a member of the Aurelii. Almost certainly, he earned the name 'Piu [...]
BAD HOMBURG – Römerkastell SaalburgThe Saalburg is a beautifully reconstructed Roman fort located on the Taunus ridge northwest of Bad Homburg. It is a Cohort Fort belonging to the Limes Germanicus (Latin for Germanic frontier), a remarkable line of frontier forts that divided [...]
BAD MUSKAU – Fürst PücklerPrince Hermann Ludwig Heinrich von Pückler-Muskau was a German nobleman, renowned as an accomplished artist in landscape gardening, as well as the author of a number of books mainly centering around his travels in Europe and Northern Africa, p [...]
BAD MUSKAU – Muskau PalaceSchloss Muskau, Muskau palace, is a schloss in the Görlitz district in the state of Saxony, Germany. It is located in an extended park, the Muskau Park, since July 2004 a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The building complex was developed over a lo [...]
BAD PYRMONT – PalmengartenBad Pyrmont is a resort with more than 500-year history. There are about 50 towns in Germany with the 'Bad' prefix. In Bad Pyrmont you can find about 20 mineral springs, this is the best resort in Lower Saxony. During the last century a lot of [...]
BAD PYRMONT – Der Hyllige BornBad Pyrmont is a traditional Staatsbad also famed as a Fürstenbad or royal spa with many wells. This evolved from a therapeutic spa to a wellness oasis in the heart of Weserbergland. All the relaxation and wellness facilities blend perfectly i [...]
BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG – Festungsruine HohentwielSpread across nine hectares, the largest fortress ruins in Germany offer one of the country's most impressive vistas: from Hohentwiel, you can see across Lake Constance, over the gentle rolling hills of the Thurgau region to the majestic peaks [...]
Alpaca 12
BALDONE – BaldonesBaldone is most widely known for its remedial resources – medical mud and mineral springs, which have promoted the development of medical resorts in Baldone district. Historically Baldone has been the largest sulfur springs and climatic resort [...]
Nordic Gold
BALEN – Pakawi Park – ChimpThe zoo was opened in 1976 by Louis Roothooft, a former captain. He used to live near Antwerp where he had a private collection of foreign animals. He bought some land in Olmen and moved his animals to the new location. The Olmen Zoo was found [...]
Nordic Gold
BALEN – Pakawi Park – Lion OwenIn contrast to white tigers, for example, white lions originally occurred within a pure subspecies, namely the Kruger lion (Panthera leo krugeri). In white tigers, the white mutation is detrimental to wildlife, but the white lion can survive i [...]
Nordic Gold
BALEN – Pakawi Park – TaraPakawi Park is a zoo in the Belgian village Olmen which is part of the town of Balen. Until 22 June 2019 it was named "Olmense Zoo". The zoo was opened in 1976 by Louis Roothooft, a former captain. He used to live near Antwerp where he had a p [...]
Nordic Gold
BALEN – Pakawi Park – TigersThe zoo is now specialized in felidae: African lions, white tigers, black leopards, Eurasian lynx, Servals, and cougars. Tigers in Pakawi park belongs to Bangal Tiger species. The Bengal tiger is a population of the Panthera tigris tigris subs [...]