Coin collection

Coin Collection

The National Tokens project has gradually expanded into the largest international souvenir coin collection on this planet. Our collection already covers more than 1000 coins in more than 40 countries.

And the saga continues… We continue conquering new countries and launch new souvenir coins on a regular basis!
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Nordic Gold

WARWICK – Warwick Castle – Gatehouse
Warwick Castle is a medieval castle developed from an original built by William the Conqueror in 1068. Warwick is the county town of Warwickshire, England, situated on a bend of the River Avon. The original wooden motte-and-bailey castle was r [...]

Nordic Gold

WARWICK – Warwick Castle – Jousting
Jousting is a martial game or hastilude between two horsemen and using lances, often as part of a tournament. The primary aim is to strike the opponent with the lance while riding towards him at high speed, if possible breaking the lance on th [...]

Alpaca 12

WARWICK – Warwick Castle – Rose Garden
Warwick Castle ranks amongst the most popular of all Britain's many historic attractions due to its size, picturesque location and turbulent history. The castle was created as a fortification in AD 914, to protect the small hilltop settlement [...]

Nordic Gold

WARWICK – Warwick Castle – The Dragon Slayer
Dragon Slayer is a captivating, immersive live show for the whole family; it really has to be seen to be believed! Fearless fire joust with thrilling stunts A twilight horse-led lantern procession to the Castle courtyard Spectacular projection [...]

Nordic Gold

WARWICK – Warwick Castle – The Falconers Quest – Eagle
The UK’s biggest Bird of Prey show - The Falconer’s Quest starts in April 2019. It will be the UK’s largest display of avian adventure, coupling a riveting storyline and live action with amazing aerial feats by a wide array of birds of prey ra [...]


WATERFORD – The Irish Wake Museum
Ireland’s first ever Wake Museum will take you on an exploration of life and death, detailing traditions and superstitions, from early Christian times right up to the 20th century.


WATERFORD – Waterford Treasures
Five Museums in the Viking Triangle are situated in the heart of Ireland’s oldest city. All five museums within a few paces of each other tell the 1100 year old story of Waterford from its foundation in 914 by Viking sea pirates. The massive s [...]


WATERFORD – Waterford Treasures
Three Museums in the Viking Triangle are situated in the heart of Ireland's oldest city. Three museums within a few paces of each other tell the 1100 year old story of Waterford from its foundation in 914 by Viking sea pirates. The massive sto [...]


WATERLOO – Arthur Wellesley – Duke of Wellington
Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, was one of the leading British military and political figures of the 19th century. Often referred to as 'The Duke of Wellington', he led a successful military career during the Napoleonic [...]


WATERLOO – Champ de Bataille – 1815
The emblem of the terrible battle of Waterloo overlooks the site of the Allied victory over Napoleon's imperial troops. The famous lion still roars towards France from the top of its 40-meter hill. This artificial hill topped by a cast lion is [...]


WATERLOO – Napoleon Bonaparte – 1769-1821
Napoleon Bonaparte - 1769-1821, general and emperor of France, carried out a coup d'etat and reorganized the government. Acclaimed consul for life, he crowned himself emperor in 1804. Losing the Russian campaign in 1812, defeated in the Battle [...]


WATERLOO – Waterloo 1815
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. A French army under the command of Napoleon was defeated by the armies of the Seventh Coalitio [...]

Nordic Gold

WATTWILLER -The Hartmannswillerkopf Franco-German Historial of the Great War
The Hartmannswillerkopf Franco-German Historial of the Great War was open on Thursday, 3 August 2017. It is a multifaceted tool, having both historical and a tourist elements, as well as being a memorial, and above all an educational resource. [...]

Alpaca 12

WAVER – Napoléon – Wavre 1815 – Révivez la Bataille
On June 18 and 19, 1815, the Battle of Wavre was fought here on the same day as the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon had sent Marshal Grouchy to pursue part of the retreating Prussian army under the command of General Johann von Thielmann. Despite [...]

Nordic Gold

WAVER – Walibi Popkorn Revenge 2019
Popcorn Revenge is an interactive trackless dark ride in the Belgian amusement park Walibi Belgium in the Karma World theme area. The darkride is the park's second interactive darkride and replaces the eighteen-year-old attraction The Palace o [...]

Nordic Gold

WÉRIS – House of Megaliths
The rows of megaliths in Wéris add a surreal touch to the landscape. Such a sight is so unexpected… and yet, they have been placed there 3,000 years BC. This incredible alignment of dolmen and menhirs in Wéris, made of slabs of conglomerate st [...]

Alpaca 12

WERVIK – National Tabaksmuseum
The National Tobacco Museum in Wervik shows the history of smoking, chewing and sniffing trough remarkable objects and many special illustrations. An introduction in the magical and eccentric world of the phenomenon called 'tobacco'. Wervik is [...]

Nordic Gold

WILLEBROEK – Fort Breendonk
During the Nazi occupation of Belgium, Fort Breendonk (which was completed in 1906 as part of the defense belt around Antwerp) served as a SS detention camp. The camp was headed by German SS officers and staffed with Flemish SS personnel.Breen [...]


WILLINGEN – Der Wild und Freizeitpark Willingen – Eagle
Around 82 animal species and a total of 380 animals live in the Wildlife and Leisure Park at the 'Ettelsberg' mountain including exotic species such as Barbary apes, parrots as well as brown bears. There is so much to discover in the game rese [...]


WILLINGEN – Wild und Freizeitpark Willingen – Parrots
In the timber forest of the park, which is situated in a nature reserve, you will find a wildlife enclosure with hoofed game (fallow, red and sika deer), exotic animals (Barbary Macaques, parrots) and predators (brown bears, wildcats). The pet [...]

Alpaca 12

WILTZ – Panorama
Wiltz is a small city in northern Luxembourg, capital of the canton Wiltz. The upper-town with the castle of the former counts of Wiltz stands high on a plateau and its slopes. The lower-town extends in a wide valley to both banks of the river [...]