Coin collection

Coin Collection

The National Tokens project has gradually expanded into the largest international souvenir coin collection on this planet. Our collection already covers more than 1000 coins in more than 40 countries.

And the saga continues… We continue conquering new countries and launch new souvenir coins on a regular basis!
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UPIE – Le Jardin Aux Oiseaux
This ornithological park remains first of all a big center of reproduction for the rearing of rare or threatened species.Every year, numerous births are recorded, for the joy of the public who can admire the rearing of these birds.Zoological g [...]


UPIE – Le Jardin Aux Oiseaux – Flamingo
While walking through this zoological and botanical park you will discover more than one thousand birds ( 200 different species ) from the 5 continents, spread over 6 shaded and undulating hectares. Special care was taken in order to show the [...]

Nordic Gold

USSE – Chateau de la Belle au Bois Dormant
The Château d'Ussé is located in the commune of Rigny-Ussé in the Indre-et-Loire département, in France. The stronghold at the edge of the Chinon forest overlooking the Indre Valley was first fortified in the eleventh century by the Norman sei [...]

Nordic Gold

The Gabares are traditional flat-bottomed boats in the style that have been used for transporting goods along the Dordogne since the Middle Ages. Les Gabares propose boat trips along the river Dordogne. The Gabares used to transport goods alon [...]


VALLON-PONT-D’ARC – Vallon Pont D’Arc – Ardeche
Vallon-Pont-d'Arc is a capital of prehistoric and cultural tourism. This small village, peaceful in wintertime, sees its population expand ten-fold in summer. Its tourist importance largely comes from the fact that it is the departure point fo [...]

Nordic Gold

VEZELAY – Basilique Sainte Marie-Madeleine
Vé zelay Abbey (French: Abbaye Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Vé zelay) was a Benedictine and Cluniac monastery in Vé zelay in the Yonne department in northern Burgundy, France. The Benedictine abbey church, now the Basilica of Sainte-Marie-Madelei [...]

Nordic Gold

WATTWILLER -The Hartmannswillerkopf Franco-German Historial of the Great War
The Hartmannswillerkopf Franco-German Historial of the Great War was open on Thursday, 3 August 2017. It is a multifaceted tool, having both historical and a tourist elements, as well as being a memorial, and above all an educational resource. [...]