Coin collection

Coin Collection

The National Tokens project has gradually expanded into the largest international souvenir coin collection on this planet. Our collection already covers more than 1000 coins in more than 40 countries.

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RIGA – Latvia 100
In 2018, Latvia celebrates a hundred years since it became an independent state. With festivities at home and all around the world, Latvia will present the best it can offer in culture, lifestyle and innovation. We will explore, create and cel [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – Latvian Railway
The first Latvian railway line built from Riga to Daugavpils was opened in September 1861. On 5 August 1919 Central Board of Latvian Railways was legally established. That day was a birthday of Latvian Railway. At the beginning of 21st century [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – Latvian War Museum
Original roots of Latvian War museum are connected with events of the World War I on the territory of Latvia, with the creation of national military unit – the battalion of Latvian Riflemen had been a part of Russian Czar's army in 1915. The m [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – Logistics Coperation CEEC-CHINA Secretariat 16+1
Living in a globalized world, no one can argue, that is necessary to cooperate not only among the closest neighboring countries, but also to look for strategic partners far away. Due to its geographical location, Latvia has always been one of [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – Ministry of the Interior
The Ministry of the Interior is the leading institution in home affairs sector which includes such subsectors as fight against crime, protection of public order and security, protection of individual rights and lawful interests, state border s [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – Museum of the Occupation of Latvia.
In February 1993, History Professor Paulis Lazda of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire proposed to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia the establishment of a museum dealing with the period 1940–1991, when Latvia was an occupi [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – Retro Tramvajs
Every weekend and bank holiday from May until September the Retro Tram runs the route from Ausekïa Street, via Radio Circle, to Meþaparks, and back.

Alpaca 12

RIGA – Riga Radio and TV Tower
The Riga Radio and TV Tower is the third tallest tower in Europe. Its highest point reaches 368.5 m (1,209 ft), in Europe tallest are only the Ostankino Tower - 540 metres (1,772 ft) and the Kiev TV Tower - 385 metres (1,263 ft). There is an o [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – Riga Stradiòð University
In 1950, Riga Medical Institute was established on the basis of the Faculty of Medicine of the State University of Latvia. The initiators were professors Pauls Stradiòð (1896–1958) and Ernests Burtnieks (1950–1958) - the first Director of Riga [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – Riga Technical College
Riga Technical College was founded on the basis of State Electrical Equipment Factory (VEF) Vocational School in 1935. It has become one of the most stable and significant higher vocational education institutions in Latvia. On March 21, 2002 C [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – Robezsardze
On November 18, 1918 the People's Council by proclaiming independence of the Republic of Latvia as well declared temporary newly established state border. For the purposes of its protection on 7 November, 1919 Jānis Balodis, Latvian Army Comma [...]


RIGA – Rooster of Riga
For the 800-year jubilee of Riga’s founding, the rooster was chosen as the city’s symbol. There are roosters everywhere, especially in an old part of Riga. The ancient steeples mentioned in chronicles had rooster weather vanes on top even back [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – RSU SKMK – Red Cross Medical College
In the autumn of 1920, following the initiative of the head Latvian Red Cross Jânis Jankovskis the first Latvian Merciful Nursing School – was founded now Red Cross Medical College of Rîga Stradiòð University. The school was established as a s [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – The Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia
The decision on the establishment of the Open-Air Museum Education Ministry Monuments Board accepted in 1924. In 1932 visitors opened the first open-air exhibition in the Baltics – Vidzemes fence. Today 118 folk architecture objects are exhibi [...]

Alpaca 12

RIGA – UCAK Fire Safety and Civil Protection College
Fire Safety and Civil Protection College is founded on April 1, 2002 on the basis of Fire Safety Technical School of State Fire and Rescue Service of Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Latvia. Fire Safety and Civil Protection College is a [...]

Nordic Gold

RIQUEWIHR – Riquewihr
Riquewihr (German: Reichenweier) is a commune in the Haut-Rhin department in Alsace in north-eastern France. A popular tourist attraction for its historical architecture, Riquewihr is also known for the Riesling and other great wines produced [...]

Nordic Gold

ROCAMADOUR – Rocamadour
Rocamadour is a commune in the Lot department in south-western France. It lies in the former province of Quercy. Rocamadour has attracted visitors for its setting in a gorge above a tributary of the River Dordogne, and especially for its histo [...]

Nordic Gold

ROCAMADOUR – Rocamadour
Rocamadour is a commune in the Lot department in south-western France. It lies in the former province of Quercy. Rocamadour has attracted visitors for its setting in a gorge above a tributary of the River Dordogne, and especially for its histo [...]

Nordic Gold

ROCAMADOUR – Vallée de la Dordogne
The first shock is the place itself - in reality a tiny village with a world-wide reputation - seen from l’Hospitalet ! Built into the cliffside on successive levels, 120 metres in length, it clings high above a canyon through which flows the [...]

Alpaca 12

ROCHEFORT – Malagne La Gallo Romaine
Archeopark Rochefort is dedicated to the excavated remains that were consolidated, restored and partly renewed, of one of the biggest Romanian farms in the north of Gaul. A good reason to open the territory for the wide public. The association [...]

Alpaca 12

ROCHESTER – Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is considered to be one of the greatest English novelists of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. Rochester and the surrounding countryside ar [...]