Coin Collection
The National Tokens project has gradually expanded into the largest international souvenir coin collection on this planet. Our collection already covers more than 1000 coins in more than 40 countries.
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Nordic Gold
BIRMINGHAM – Bear Grylls Adventure – ShootingThe Bear Grylls Adventure in Birmingham includes a Shooting Experience as part of its diverse range of activities designed to test your survival skills and accuracy. The Shooting experience at The Bear Grylls Adventure gives participants the c [...]
Nordic Gold
BIRMINGHAM – Bear Grylls Adventure – SnorkelingThe Bear Grylls Adventure in Birmingham offers a Snorkeling Experience that allows participants to explore an underwater world and get up close with marine life, all within the safety of an indoor environment. The Snorkeling experience at The [...]
Nordic Gold
BIRMINGHAM – Bear Grylls Adventure – Zip Line 3Bear Grylls said “You don’t have to go to the furthest mountain range or the deepest sea anymore, we’ve brought it all under one roof in Birmingham! It’s all about bringing that spirit of endeavour into one place. This is the UK’s ultimate adv [...]
Nordic Gold
BIRMINGHAM – Cadbury World – Caramel BunnyThe Cadbury Caramel Bunny, also known as simply the Caramel Bunny, is a mascot rabbit character featured in several advertisements in the UK for the Cadbury's Caramel bar during the 1980's. She was voiced by British actress Miriam Margoyles wi [...]
Nordic Gold
BIRMINGHAM – Cadbury World – Freddo the FrogCadbury World is a visitor attraction in Bournville, Birmingham, England, featuring a self-guided exhibition tour, created and run by the Cadbury Company. The tour tells the history of chocolate, and of the Cadbury business. Cadbury World was [...]
Nordic Gold
BIRMINGHAM – Cadbury World – GorillaThe Cadbury advertisement that became famous featured a gorilla playing drums to Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight." The commercial begins with the gorilla sitting in front of a drum set, looking contemplative. As the iconic drum fill from the [...]
Nordic Gold
BIRMINGHAM – Cadbury World – ParrotMr. Cadbury's parrot was a memorable character in the 90s adverts for Cadbury's Mini Eggs. This purple parrot with colorful feathers on the top of his head would go wild for Mini Eggs, attempting to steal them in the commercials. Though he is [...]
Alpaca 12
BIRMINGHAM – Sea Life – Breed, Rescue, Protect – Clown FishClownfish like to live in sea anemones so that they are protected from predators and can nibble on leftover food the sea anemone catches. In return, they help keep sea anemones and the area around them clean by eating up algae and other reef d [...]
Alpaca 12
BIRMINGHAM – Sea Life – Breed, Rescue, Protect – OctopusThere are around 300 species of octopus and we find them in every ocean on our planet, but the common octopus is native to the UK! Octopus are molluscs which means they are from the same family as Slugs and Snails as well as Cuttlefish and Squ [...]
Alpaca 12
BIRMINGHAM – Sea Life – OtterTwo rescued Alaskan sea otters have been found a new home at the National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham in a new scheme to protect the species. In a UK first, the pair will become residents at the attraction's new multi-million pound marine re [...]
Alpaca 12
BLACKPOOL – Blackpool TowerBlackpool Tower is located in Blackpool, Lancashire and rises to 158m. The Tower is a member of the World Federation of Great Towers. The idea for the tower came when Blackpool mayor John Bickerstaffe commissioned the design of a new landmark [...]
Nordic Gold
BLACKPOOL – Madame Tussaud’s – Lily BobtailPeter Rabbit and Lily Bobtail are best friends who always team up with their other friend Benjamin Bunny and the three of them go on adventures in the forest. The two seem to be the most adventurous out of the three friends and are always will [...]
Nordic Gold
BLACKPOOL – Madame Tussaud’s – Peter RabbitThe Tale of Peter Rabbit is a children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter that follows mischievous and disobedient young Peter Rabbit as he gets into, and is chased around, the garden of Mr. McGregor. He escapes and returns home [...]
Alpaca 12
BLACKPOOL – Sea Life – Breed, Rescue, Protect – SeahorsesSea Life has been a pioneer in the field of seahorse breeding, successfully breeding and rearing nine different species to date to help this very sensitive and endangered sea creature from facing extinction. Our programme has meant that we do [...]
BLAGNAC – Aeroscopia – Musée AeronautiqueIn the Midi-Pyré né es region, nearly 80,000 people make a living from the aviation industry, the driving force behind the region's economy: manufacturers, sub-contractors, suppliers, design offices, service providers… For more than 30 years, [...]
Alpaca 12
BLANKENBERGE – Train CityTrain City opened its doors on the renovated Pier, a building work which is an attraction in itself, in summer 2003. Inside all the facets of the exciting world of the train were revealed across five different levels (from below the water leve [...]
Alpaca 12
BLANKENBERGE – Belgium PierFormerly, Blankenberge was a simple fishing village, but now it is one of the country's most popular seaside resorts. The Pier of Blankenberge dominates the entire beach. The Pier has an unique structure: consisting of a 350 meters long pedest [...]
BLOIS – Le Château de BloisThe Royal Château de Blois is located in the Loir-et-Cher department in the Loire Valley, in France. Built in the middle of the town, the castle of Blois comprises several buildings constructed from the 13th to the 17th century around the main [...]
Nordic Gold
BLOKHUS – Farup – Coca-ColaFårup is one of Denmark's largest tourist attractions with plenty of wild, fun and crazy water activities for the whole family. Everything from wild roller coasters and a children's theme park to Denmark's largest and wettest water world. Ther [...]
Alpaca 12
BLOKHUS – Farup – Coca-ColaFårup is one of Denmark’s largest tourist attractions with plenty of wild, fun and crazy water activities for the whole family. Everything from wild roller coasters and a children’s theme park to Denmark’s largest and wettest water world. Ther [...]
Nordic Gold