Coin Collection
The National Tokens project has gradually expanded into the largest international souvenir coin collection on this planet. Our collection already covers more than 1000 coins in more than 40 countries.
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Nordic Gold
ZERMATT – Matterhorn Alpine CrossingThe Matterhorn, located on the border between Switzerland and Italy, rises to an impressive 4,478 meters, making it one of the most iconic peaks of the Alps. Its name, derived from the German words 'Matte' (meadow) and 'Horn' (peak), reflects [...]
ZIPAQUIRA – Salt Cathedral of ZipaquiráThe Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá (Catedral de Sal de Zipaquirá) is an underground Roman Catholic church built within the tunnels of a salt mine 200 meters underground in a Halite mountain near the town of Zipaquirá, in Cundinamarca, Colombia. I [...]
Alpaca 12
ZONNEBEKE – 1917 Memorial Museum PasschendaeleZonnebeke and Passendale are two little villages, at a stone's throw from Ypres. During the British attack of 1917, there were 500.000 casualties in 100 days for a gain territory of only 5 miles. Passchendaele became an international symbol of [...]
Alpaca 12