La Louvière, known as “The City of Wolves,” features a notable statue known as “The Mother Wolf.” This statue is a symbolic representation of the city’s nickname and its historical or cultural ties to wolves. Situated prominently in the city, the Mother Wolf statue embodies the protective and nurturing aspects of the wolf, possibly reflecting the community’s values and identity.
The statue serves as a landmark and a point of pride for the inhabitants of La Louvière, emphasizing their connection to the wolf symbol. It is a popular spot for both locals and visitors, often serving as a backdrop for photographs and community events. The city is located in the Wallonia region of Belgium, within the province of Hainaut. Known for its industrial heritage, particularly related to coal mining and steel production, La Louvière also boasts impressive examples of early 20th-century architecture and art deco buildings.
Release Dates
- Coin Alloy Name: Nordic Gold
- Coin Alloy Color: old gold
- Coin Diameter: 31,00
- Coin Thickness: 2,25
- Coin Edge: serrated, fine
- Country: Belgium
- Available: yes
- Location: LA LOUVIERE, Belgium