Coin Collection
The National Tokens project has gradually expanded into the largest international souvenir coin collection on this planet. Our collection already covers more than 1000 coins in more than 40 countries.
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Alpaca 12
BOLOGNA – Abbazia di Santo StefanoThe Basilica di Santo Stefano, also known as Sette Chiese (Seven Churches), is the most peculiar in Bologna. Its origins are still debated: according to some, it was built in 430 when the Bishop (who later became the Patron Saint of Bologna) d [...]
Nordic Gold
BOLOGNA – Crypt of the Abbot Martin – Abbazia di Santo StefanoThe Crypt of Abbot Martin is located in Church of the Saints Vitale and Agricola. It is the oldest church of the Abbazia Di Santo Stefano. This basilica-shaped church, without a transept, with a salient façade and triconca apse, is dedicated t [...]
Nordic Gold
BOLOGNA – Sancta Jerusalem Bononiensis – Abbazia di Santo StefanoThere is a little Zion in the heart of Bologna. It is the basilica of Santo Stefano, which for more than a thousand years has been known as the ‘Sancta Jerusalem Bononiensis’ – Bologna’s holy Jerusalem. You approach along a portico that is top [...]
Alpaca 12