Malpils Manor is located in a pleasant village Mālpils with beautiful landscapes only 45 km from Riga. This manor is not only an excellent architectural monument representing the classicism era and a historical museum, but also it is a four-storey luxury hotel with 16 suites, restaurant, and venue for festive events and unforgettable moments.
The history of Mālpils Manor dates back to the year 1760. In the time of landrat Gustav fon Taube was arranged a baroque style romantic manor park with walkways, love bridge and picturesque ponds. In the year 1905 the Mālpils Manor was burnt down. After two years well known architect Wilhelm Bockslaff designed a new project of Mālpils Manor, recreating the building as it can be seen until this day. The manor ensemble historically consisted of 38 buildings and a 22 hectare manor park.
In 2006, extensive restoration works were initiated at the master house of Mālpils Manor, it was renovated to its antique luxury. During the course of restoration, the exterior image of the manor was neared to the historical original as much as possible. The interior design of the manor has been complemented with antique classicism and budermeyer style furniture and paintings by Latvian old masters.
An ancient building is like a senior, who must be listened to – after restoration of the master house of the Mālpils Manor, you can enjoy romantic holiday in luxurious, spacious apartments, while enjoying the surrounding artistic and historical values.
Release Dates
- Coin Alloy Name: Alpaca 12
- Coin Alloy Color: silver
- Coin Diameter: 31,00
- Coin Thickness: 2,25
- Coin Edge: serrated, fine
- Country: Latvia
- Available: no
- Location: MALPILS, Latvia