All Claudia & Luigi

Alpaca 12

SORRENTO – The Bell Tower
This Bell Tower has a remarkable base dating back to the Romanesque age, probably built around the eleventh century, with shafts of columns of different kinds with classical and Byzantine capitals, statue bases and every sort of marble fragmen [...]

Nordic Gold

SORRENTO – Viewpont Villa Comunale
Sorrento is a beautiful town perched on a cliff high above the sea with views of Vesuvius and the islands in the Bay of Naples. One of the most stunning views of the bay of Naples can be seen from a terrace at the end of the pretty public gard [...]

Nordic Gold

SORRENTO – Villa Florentino
In the splendid town of Sorrento, a magical place and a important tourist destination located in the heart of the historical course of Italy and the ancient walls of the city a charming villa: Villa Fiorentino. Chosen as the residence of Mr an [...]