The Gate that presently contains the Chapel with the painting of the Mother of Mercy was mentioned for the first time in 1514 under the name of the Medininkai Gate. Its Latin name Porta Acialis, or Polish name Ostra brama, which means ‘The Sharp Gate’, was mentioned for the first time in 1594. The Lithuanians living in the outskirts of Vilnius used to call it ‘the Ašmens Vartai’. Some people think that the name derived from the town of Ašmena, which was literally understood by the non-Lithuanian speakers (in Latin acies means ‘blades’) and, thus, translated into Latin and Polish. It is not known since when the Gate has borne the name of the Gate of Dawn and why it goes by the name ‘Dawn’. Perhaps it implies the image of Saint Mary who is sometimes referred to as the Star of Dawn.
Release Dates
- Coin Alloy Name: Alpaca 12
- Coin Alloy Color: silver
- Coin Diameter: 31,00
- Coin Thickness: 2,25
- Coin Edge: serrated, fine
- Country: Lithuania
- Available: not available
- Location: VILNIUS, Lithuania