The Porta Palatina dates back to the 1st-2nd century AD. The name “Porta Palatina” comes from the medieval “Porta Palatii” which means the contiguity of the Imperial Palatium. Quite similar to the ancient Porta Decumana, built into the medieval structure of the present-day Palazzo Madama, the Porta Palatina represents the primary archaeological evidence of the city’s Roman phase, and is one of the best preserved 1st-century BC Roman gateways in the world. Together with the ancient theatre’s remains, located a short distance away, it is part of the so-called Archaeological Park, opened in 2006.
The tombs of Kha and his wife Merit were discovered in February 1906 near Deir el-Medina. Although non-royal, Kha held the prominent position of “director of works.” In this capacity, he oversaw the building of the Pharaohs’ tombs and, during his career, served three 18th Dynasty kings. The couple’s burial goods reflect their status, and the scope of the objects unearthed is astounding – among them Merit’s beauty case, Kha’s work tools, underwear and food offerings. The exhibits are presented with attention to detail – one wall even had a box installation so visitors could smell a combination of spices such as cilantro and tarragon that were used in Egypt.
Release Dates
- Coin Alloy Name: Alpaca 12
- Coin Alloy Color: silver
- Coin Diameter: 31,00
- Coin Thickness: 2,25
- Coin Edge: serrated, fine
- City: TURIN
- Country: Italy
- Available: yes, not through coin dispenser
- Location: TURIN, Italy