The parish church of Santiago de Cereixo is one of the best examples of Romanesque art along the Costa da Morta coast.
Its construction dates back to the end of the 12th century and it shares some features found at the churches in Xaviña (Camariñas) and Leis (Muxía), where the same artists are likely to have worked. E
At least two different master masons or workshops appear to have laboured on the construction. The first, influenced by the work in Santiago de Compostela, worked on the apse, and the second was responsible for the famous south door and the main entrance on the west side.
On the south door of the parish church of Santiago in Cereixo is the oldest depiction of the translatio, the transfer of the body of St. James. According to the traditional story given in the 12th-century Codex Calixtinus, after the Apostle had been martyred, his disciples, called the Seven Apostolic Men, stole the saint’s body at the port of Jaffa and placed it on a boat that was guided by God’s hand until it reached Galicia. That is the scene represented on the church of Cereixo.
A wooden boat on the waves can be seen in the tympanum. Inside the boat is the body of St. James, lying horizontally, surrounded by the seven disciples. At the top of the tympanum are the figures of a bishop with a staff and an angel watching over the scene.
Release Dates
- Coin Alloy Name: Nordic Gold
- Coin Alloy Color: old gold
- Coin Diameter: 31,00
- Coin Thickness: 2,25
- Coin Edge: serrated, fine
- Country: Portugal
- Available: yes - not through coin dispenser
- Location: CANTA COMBA LA CORUNA, Portugal