They are creatures of superlatives: the longest one measured nearly 40 meters, the oldest one lived 235 million years ago. The Lokschuppen exhibition center in Rosenheim presents world-wide for the first time spectacular finds in its new exhibition ‘Dinosaurs – Giants of Argentina’ and takes the visitors on a time travel into geologic history. Suitably in the year of the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, the creator of the theory of evolution.Singular finds from the scientific collections of 7 Argentinian museums permit an almost complete representation of the history of the dinosaurs, with nearly complete fossils and lifelike reconstructions of what these impressive creatures and their habitat must have looked like millions of years ago.
Release Dates
2009 (3), 2010
- Coin Alloy Name: Alpaca 6
- Coin Alloy Color: champagne
- Coin Diameter: 35,00
- Coin Thickness: 2,25
- Coin Edge: serrated, fine
- Country: Germany
- Available: no
- Location: ROSENHEIM , Germany