MIRA DE AIRE – Grutas de Mira de Aire – Stalactites

On the 27th July 1947 four village men – Ernesto Morais, Manuel Zé ‘da tia’, Manuel Trouxa’ e Jaime Caetano – decided to take the risk: they cleared the rift, they entered through the ravine, they threw ropes, they went down onto a small gallery… and they marveled at such beauty. They were certainly far from believing that they had discovered one of the places that attracted the most tourists in Portugal. Since 1974, the year of the opening to the public till nowadays, Mira d’Aire Caves have already been visited by more than 6 million of tourists. The Caves are 11 kilometres long but only 600 metres can be visited; they are situated in the centre of Portugal, a region which is very rich in this kind of heritage. They are part of the Natural Park of Serras de Aire and Candeeiros right in the middle of the Limestone Mountain Range of Estremadura and they were formed more than 150 million years ago, in Middle Jurassic Period when the dinosaurs inhabited the place.To visit the Caves is to discover a fantastic world made of stalactites and stalagmites among chambers, galleries and streams such as the Red Chamber, the Big Chamber, the Jewellery, the Black River and the Great Lake. The visitor’s imagination is challenged by suggestive names: the Medusa, the Martian, Hell’s Mouth…

Release Dates

2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017


  • Coin Alloy Name: Alpaca 12
  • Coin Alloy Color: silver
  • Coin Diameter: 31,00
  • Coin Thickness: 2,25
  • Coin Edge: serrated, fine
  • City: MIRA DE AIRE, Portugal
  • Country: Portugal
  • Available: not available
  • Location: MIRA DE AIRE, Portugal