LOMMEL – Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.

In Lommel is the largest military cemetery of the second world war situated. The cemetery is located in a well-maintained 12,95 hectares park, 20.000 crosses were erected for 40.000 fallen German soldiers.In front of the graves heather plants grow, which give the area a purple emanation in the flowering time. The cemetery contains also a building with overnight facilities and information room, a monumental tomb and above it, a gigantic statue in black lava rock form the entrance to the graveyard.

Release Dates

2003, 2013, 2015


  • Coin Alloy Name: brass
  • Coin Alloy Color: gold
  • Coin Diameter: 31,00
  • Coin Thickness: 2,25
  • Coin Edge: serrated, fine
  • City: LOMMEL
  • Country: Belgium
  • Available: no
  • Location: LOMMEL, Belgium