On 20th August 1462, the Spaniards recaptured Gibraltar from the Moors. They found a little mosque at Europa Point and converted into a Christian shrine in honour of Our Lady as Patroness of Europe. They built a chapel to the mosque’s east wall and the whole area became the Shrine of Our Lady of Europe.The shrine prospered in fame and popularity, for well over two centuries. Ships passing through the Strait saluted Our Lady as they passed Europa Point and mariners often came ashore with gifts to the shrine.The statue of the Virgin and Child dates back to the end of the fifteenth or early sixteenth century. It is quite small, only two feet in height, carved in wood and polychromed in royal red, blue and gold. The Virgin is seated in a simple chair, with the Child Jesus on her lap. Both are crowned and the Virgin holds a sceptre with three flowers in her right hand, denoting Love, Truth and Justice. In 1979 Pope John Paul II officially approved the title of Our Lady of Europe as Patroness of Gibraltar, and subsequently, the shrine was restored.
Release Dates
- Coin Alloy Name: Alpaca 12
- Coin Alloy Color: silver
- Coin Diameter: 31,00
- Coin Thickness: 2,25
- Coin Edge: serrated, fine
- Country: Gibraltar
- Available: no
- Location: GIBRALTAR, Gibraltar