Fourteen thousand young Canadians stormed Juno Beach on D-Day. Their courage, determination and self-sacrifice were the immediate reasons for the success in those critical hours. The fighting they endured was fierce and frightening. The price they paid was high – the battles for the beachhead cost 340 Canadian lives and another 574 wounded.The Juno Beach Centre is a museum and cultural centre, which opened at Courseulles-sur-Mer, on June 6, 2003. The Centre presents the war effort made by all Canadians, civilian and military alike, both at home and on the various fronts during the Second World War, as well as the manifold faces of contemporary Canadian society.
Release Dates
- Coin Alloy Name: brass
- Coin Alloy Color: gold
- Coin Diameter: 31,00
- Coin Thickness: 2,25
- Coin Edge: serrated, fine
- Country: France
- Available: not available
- Location: COURSEULLES-SUR-MER, France